Step 1 of 7 - Package Details
Copyright confers the exclusive legal authority to safeguard an original creative or intellectual work. This encompasses the rights to produce, replicate, publish, or perform an original literary, dramatic, or musical composition. Upon acquisition from the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), the certificate serves as undeniable evidence of your ownership in legal matters, affirming your copyright over the work.
The name of what you create is very important for copyright. It helps say what's protected. When you sign up for copyright, make sure the name you give matches the name you use when you share your work. So, if it's a book, use the book title in the copyright. If it's a song, use the song title.
Copyright protection in Canada includes a broad range of creative works in different categories. The Canadian Copyright Act acknowledges these copyright-protected work categories: literature, drama, art, and music.